• Fallout New Vegas Legion Armor Mod

    Fallout New Vegas Legion Armor Mod
    1. New Fallout New Vegas Mod

    News of Fallout 4 reminded many fans of the series (like me) of that one Fallout series game they never finished. For me, that was Fallout: New Vegas. Yes, I'm still outside the city, but with the help of I should be on my way shortly.For some developers out there, the announcement also reminded them of the the New Vegas mods they've left unfinished. Yes, nearly 5 years after the game came out there are still teams slaving away on big projects. Here's two to keep an eye on, and one you can play right now. Project BrazilNo, it's not set in South America so stop asking.

    Fallout 4: TES-51 Power Armor -Skyrim Inspired- MOD SHOWCASE /W Killerkev. Fallout New Vegas Legion Armor Enclave Power Armor 3, Fallout 4, fallout. Jan 26, 2019 - P.S: Courier special armor can be find in a lock outside the safehouse, close the.

    Project Brazil is the working name for a massive, near total conversion of Fallout: New Vegas. It's still a work in progress, but when it's completed you'll be able to start from scratch, building a new character from one of two unique paths of stat-generating questions and short quest lines.From their website:Fallout: Project Brazil adds an all new story around a new player character, an adopted resident of Vault 18, embarking on a quest to a hidden complex in the ruins of Los Angeles.

    Along the way you'll discover a pitched battle between the Survivalist Army, the New California Republic, and The Super Mutants, which shapes the politics and events leading to the NCR's invasion of the Mojave. The story takes place in 2260 - many years before the 'Courier' awakes in New Vegas, while the Enclave struggles to rise again on the West Coast.The Mod branches off from New Vegas right from the New Game menu. The game will be released in chapters, with the first release containing 3 parts. The full campaign will contain 16 Main Quests and several side stories, all related to the player's journey through Vault 18 and the wasteland of San Bernardino.

    Their choices at each stage will shape the next, creating 2 playthroughs worth of unique content.It's an ambitious endeavor, one that project lead Brandan Lee said nearly met with disaster.' A gnarly spaghetti monster almost killed the project in 2014,' Lee told Polygon, 'where all the Vault 18 decisions (2 main paths, x2 sub paths, x8 possible companions) created a really complex mess of variables. There were so many possible outcomes that we had to find unique ways of dealing with them all creatively, and that burned us all out.' While the announcement of Fallout 4 came as a surprise to them along with everyone else, they say it hasn't spooked them at all.'

    People have been commenting for years that Fallout 4 would beat us as a joke. Now it's a legit challenge.' We were actually doing really good and were making outstanding progress after lighting out own fire in January, with a March release date in mind. When Fallout 4 was announced, it was less of a 'now we have to do it' as it was 'goddamnit, now we have no choice but to rush.' 'If everything goes according to plan, Lee says you can expect to load up Project Brazil some time around late October or early November.The FrontierSet in Portland, Oregon, The Frontier takes the modern incarnation of the role-playing series north and into far colder climates than it's ever been before. The plotline has a popular general named Blackthorne, a leader in the New California Republic, embarrassing the sitting president Kimball.

    His reward is de facto exile north to face an entrenched group of Legionaries.From:Blackthorne was surprised that a sizable Legion force would exist way up north from the Mojave but Legion is Legion. The Frontier was loaded with pre-war technology and military equipment. His aim is to destroy the Legion, claim all of The Frontier’s secrets, and finally start the long journey back to the Mojave and take what’s rightfully his.The Frontier was a harsh environment and many of his men succumbed to the extreme conditions. Blackthorne refused to bend to Mother Nature and vowed he would return to the Mojave to restore order. Fueled by pure determination to reach his goals, Blackthorne rebuilt his army.The Frontier is a brand new world map that centers on the ruins of Portland, now the edge of civilization as the NCR knows it.

    But the team behind the mod isn't stopping there. The final product will also include flyable vertibirds, aerial dogfights.

    You can follow their development in an ongoing series of developer diaries with YouTuber.While there is no official release date, the team writes on their FAQ that they're 'pushing for a winter release.' Development seems very active, as their most recent gameplay sample video (which contains spoilers, obviously) was. Beyond Boulder DomeOne of the most highly rated modifications for Fallout: New Vegas, Beyond Boulder Dome has been downloaded. Set in and below the mountains of Colorado, it included three new maps, new weapons and armor as well as unique creatures with their own custom-made sounds and animations.From their:The Boulder Dome was constructed before the war to be a 'city of the future'; a prototype for future cities on the moon and other planets. It was also an advanced scientific research facility, and an Ark of sorts, built to withstand severe nuclear attacks. And withstand it did.Mere hours before the bombs dropped, only the elite of society, or those with specialist skills; the top of their fields, were transported to the Dome and transported two hundred years into the future. Put into a 'cold sleep', they would ride out the war and the following chaos, to start a new world in the future.When the scientists woke up, they found themselves in a nightmare.

    Their bodies now riddled with a strange disease of unknown origin, dubbed the Seltsam Syndrome; literally meaning 'strange disease'. Forced to wear advanced Bio-suits, to help slow the spread, they struggle to survive, as time is running out.Beyond the Dome, outside the highly toxic ruins of Boulder, two factions are moving in.The NCR has a deadly and unmerciful mission, to stop the spread of the Seltsam Syndrome by eliminating all potential carriers.

    They have tracked the disease to its last known vestige, The Boulder Dome itself.The Colorado branch of the Brotherhood of Steel have also set their sights on the Dome. Its leader seeks to control the Dome for the good of the region, he claims, to bring peace to the chaos. Very close to a real, working cure for the Seltsam Syndrome, he offers a seemingly peaceful solution.Forced into the middle of things, is a simple courier, far from home. The decisions of the courier may slide the balance in many different ways, ultimately determining the fate of the scientists of The Boulder Dome.While the latest version, 1.2, was uploaded in April of 2013 New Vegas hasn't seen many changes itself since then, so there's every reason you should be able to get the mod up and running right now. Sadly, the hasn't been updated for nearly a year so it's safe to say this is as final a state as this mod is likely to get.

    I'm making a mod for the Legion, which is based on the concept of the Centurion's armor, which is to use parts of other armor to build his own.I already have a lot of them ready, but I am in doubt as to some other, which I will expose here.(open in a new tab this image to enlarge it)1) Caesar. Is the golden color in this outfit too extravagant?2) Decanus unique armor and regular Decanus.

    The regular I love it, but the unique, What do you think about the golden parts? Black would be a better option? Because I find these colors very strange, as if they were not part of this universe. Edit: i´m a amateur in photoshop.3) Houndmaster. Too much tribal?4) Legion salvaged PA. Lacking the legs, the shoulder pads, the fan on the back and the helmet is patched with a Legate helmet.

    Still, it looks very advanced? There's only one in the mod, it's not a thing to be around every corner, so it's okay to be an APA.5) Praetorian.

    ArmorFallout New Vegas Legion Armor Mod

    The most problematic of all, I can not hit this one. I've made several versions, this is the one I least hated. What did you think? Looks very gay.6) The bull in the vest, too much?7) This helmet. Can you see someone from the Legion wearing something like that?8) Regular veteran. This 'hair' in the helmet, does it seem too off the subject?9) Legion gehenna. (and yes, I'm aware that gehenna is a stupid weapon, but I like lol)And that´s it.I could benefit from a vision other than mine and unfortunately on the Nexus the people there is only interested in discussing images that are of women with barbie faces and little clothes.Thank you.

    Looks quite good, more sensible than the other legion mod, which went way over the top.At the same time, I can't say I like power armour parts. Still to answer your questions:1.I think I like vanilla model more, this one feels a bit over the top.2.Gold Colour attracts attention and doesn't fit in line with the legion.

    It seems out of place.3. I like the fur but the head is weird. I mean scorched power armour has got something similar, but it doesn't look alive.4.Good idea, but I object to the power armour used. If it was t-45d or at most t-51b, it would be okay.5.Looks gay, definitely. I would make it look more similar to the hound master. And visible belly is just.6.

    Looks fine to me. It could stay, legion does have some basic tools.7.

    No, sorry, looks more like pilot's helmet.8.I like it, reminds me off twisted hairs, the tribe that caesar conquered.9. Guns and power fists are fine, but a custom model seems unnecessary. I think vanilla would do just fine.Still wait for some more feedback.

    Question, are these meant to replace the existing models, or just add more variety? I like the vanilla designs and personally wouldn't change them, but as you alluded to, one of the biggest missed opportunities with the Legion in my opinion was not reusing existing game assets to create a higher number of unique outfits. I mean if these bastards conquered hundreds of other factions, they should look a little more cobbled together and organic, albeit with some unifying features for identification. It makes sense that the NCR would have a defined style and only a few uniforms, I assume they are all identically mass produced somewhere, but the Legion gets their armor the opposite way. They just grab the good shit off people they wipe out and decorate it with bulls and X's. It sucks that Obsidian didn't explore this more, but as I understand it they weren't given time to do a lot of things.

    Cough cough other side of the Colorado.Keeping this in mind, here are my thoughts on your designs:1. Absolutely love the crown, outfit design does look more appropriately elegant for Caesar than the original but I'm not totally sold on the color scheme.2. Both would look great as additional variations but I don't know about replacements. Also I'm not sure if it's the lighting, but the first guy looks like he has Iron Man's glowing chest so that might need to be fixed. The second reminds me of Baron Von Underbheit from Venture Brothers but works nonetheless.3. Cool idea with the dog head shoulder but the teeth on his helmet look weird as hell. Also not a fan of the way the fur texture hangs over the front onto his chest, seems kind of unfinished.

    Maybe he just needs another layer there. Legs look good.4. Completely disagree with Ediros on this one, why the fuck wouldn't the Legion use good protection if they found it? The smashed out eyes clearly shows a distinction between this and functional power armor.

    It also implies the Legion is powerful enough to have killed somebody using advanced technology, assuming they didn't just find that shit lying in a ditch somewhere. Also drives home the point that the Enclave is history. While this is by far my favorite one, I do think there might be a bit too many power armor pieces on one guy. Maybe split the shoulders and the helmet up among two designs. This is definitely the kind of stuff I wish Obsidian had explored more though.5. Shit if that's gay, then half of the original outfits are too. At a glance, it reminded me of one of the raider outfits from Fallout 3 with the shit sticking off of him all over the place.

    Not bad because I liked those designs. If you are unhappy with it I would suggest adding more elements from recognizable outfits like maybe combat armor or pieces of NCR ranger gear.6.

    If you tried hard enough to convince me this was somewhere in the game already, I might believe you. The helmet looks great but I can't help but feel the outfit is a little too vanilla if this is meant to add variety.7. UGH THE RED VISOR IT BURNS. Otherwise passable. Try like black or something.8. I love the repurposed security outfit with the words painted over, on the fence about the hair but it's not horrible. I'm seeing too many of these skirts though, everybody looks too matchy.9.

    Looks good design wise to me but almost a little too high tech for the people who use fucking spears and healing powder on principle. Maybe on a high ranking official to demonstrate hypocrisy or to acknowlede that primitive weapons are truthfully idiotic to use when your enemies have laser guns. If one is already possessed by the Legion in the game then forget everything I just said.Overall I really like the idea which is why I took the time to write this, but if you want to bring this mod to the next level, you need to double down on the scrambled, repurposed pieces of recognizable armor.

    It shows that the Legion is not to be fucked with in the most visible way possible. Best examples are the Enclave helmet with the gouged out eyes, and the security armor with 'security' crossed out.

    Click to expand.Made their way east, you mean like shitout 3, great Idea! Let's have Legion wear it all!Lanius would be the most likely to wear it, which he doesn't.

    To top it off, even when you nuke dry Wells, the most legion has got is similar to Lanius' armour.Also, the legion rejects tech. Even when they found t-45d power armour, the never reporpused it (legion centurion armour). Or the house's bunker on the hill.Power armour even salvaged hasn't been used by a legion, so I am not buying that.

    Is the golden color in this outfit too extravagant?2) Decanus unique armor and regular Decanus. The regular I love it, but the unique, What do you think about the golden parts?

    Black would be a better option? Because I find these colors very strange, as if they were not part of this universe. Edit: i´m a amateur in photoshop.3) Houndmaster. Too much tribal?4) Legion salvaged PA. Lacking the legs, the shoulder pads, the fan on the back and the helmet is patched with a Legate helmet. Still, it looks very advanced?

    There's only one in the mod, it's not a thing to be around every corner, so it's okay to be an APA.5) Praetorian. The most problematic of all, I can not hit this one. I've made several versions, this is the one I least hated. What did you think? Looks very gay.6) The bull in the vest, too much?7) This helmet.

    Can you see someone from the Legion wearing something like that?8) Regular veteran. This 'hair' in the helmet, does it seem too off the subject?9) Legion gehenna. (and yes, I'm aware that gehenna is a stupid weapon, but I like lol). Click to expand.1) Looks too extravagant. Plus the sandals are rather impractical especially in a setting where guns, lasers and plasma are a constant threat.2) The second one looks nicer than the first though I'd prefer the first's color over the second. Both helms are odd though and not fitting for Roman influenced helms.3) Nice idea though the dog head as part of the pelt seems impractical.4) Too bulky and if the Legion does not use advanced tech as much, then the PA will become useless without regular maintenance even if the PA is jury-rigged.5) The first one has the overly large shoulders from the Enclave PA and looks off.

    The other one does not look great either.6) The bull on the chest is not bad an idea (though what would make it better if the bull looks painted on) though the armor looks like something that can be cobbled out from the base game.7) I concur with Ediros. The helmet looks weird on a Legion soldier.8) The riot armor helmet looks odd and why the long hair? The latter is impractical (unless they are braids and the wearer is a former Twisted Hair that has not given up their traditions, unlikely that it may be)9) Weapons like that are probably allowed by the Legion to use. It is not too high tech and is not a firearm. Vanilla model looks fine though (more cobbled together after all).On the point of PA by the Legion, no one there would have the technical know-how to maintain PA let alone jury rig one like the NCR.

    So any found PA would more likely be scrapped by the Legion. Click to expand.I meant east as in east of California. Like Arizona. You make a good point about Lanius though. As much as it would be cool to see him sporting a dead Enclave face, I prefer the unique helmet as it is. Nobody else really deserves an Enclave helmet. But what are you talking about with the rejection of tech?

    They use pieces of power armor already in the vanilla game. What's the difference between a shoulder here, a leg there, or even the odd gutted helmet?

    It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to stick a metal bucket on someone's head. Scaring enemies by wearing their armor clearly overrides their customs surrounding technology.I suppose we will have to agree to disagree on this one, though. The decision is up to you, Cobra Commander. I really like the laurel wreath, but the rest seems too elegant, as others have said.

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    Where exactly would Caesar find something like that out in the wasteland, anyways? Oh, and the sandals look bulky.2. The skirts should be different (something like #4 or #5), though everything else looks good.3. Personally, I'd think something like a 'houndmaster' should be a lot less armored. You know, so he can get more in touch with his animal side(?). The Forsworn armor from Skyrim is along the lines of what I'm thinking of.

    As for the actual armor design, I don't have much to say. Just that the wolf head hanging off to the side doesn't look right.4. Said basically everything I wanted to say. Also, I really like the helmet.5.

    It looks way too. It doesn't really fit in with the rest.7. Bruh, i'm gonna' be honest with you.

    That helmet looks dumb8. Literally everything about this (except the hair) is great.9. I don't really have an opinion on this. Another thing. This mod has a special perk where the guy will be able to learn all the techniques of unarmed combat.The image is the same as the Legion AssaultAs you may have noticed, English is not my native language. Does anyone want to name and write a text for this perk? Something as 'Praetorian Master' or something like that.And here's a bonus.

    This helmet was an idea for a Legionary specializing in laser weapons (theoretically they use it, just watch the opening video of the game where one of them appears with a laser pistol and the agreement with the Van Graffs), but I thought it would be very lore breaking. I cut this idea off. If I'm being completely honest here Cobra, I feel like the unique explorer and Lanius are in a whole other league of polish and professionalism compared to the other stuff posted in this thread.

    Like significantly. As in, I would actually consider putting those into my game, and I'm picky as all hell.

    Both would do as well, if not better as standalone mods in my opinion and I really hope you consider realeasing them as such.Also, your English is probably better than half the native speaking population of the United States so no apology is necessary.Praetorian Master sounds like a good name for the perk to me. Description could be something like 'The loyal guards of Caesar have shared the unarmed combat techniques of the wasteland with you.'

    New Fallout New Vegas Mod

    I would also recommend making that a separate mod in addition to the 'ultimate' package with everything. You should throw that laser helmet and red visor helmet in too as optional files.

    Fallout New Vegas Legion Armor Mod